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Image by Caleb Jones
Image by Brian Kairuz
Image by Matt Howard
Rock Maze
Folded hands

All of us are on a journey

We hope you will come and join us.

Oakbrook Church

Who Are We?

Oakbrook is a non-denominational church located in Reston, Virginia, actively pursuing genuine community. In the process we are learning what it means to love God with all of our heart and to love other people … ALL people … no matter who they are. As a community, we are trying to understand what it looks like to follow Jesus in our day and age … and then actually do it.


You won’t find a statement of faith on our website or in our church literature or on our walls … not because beliefs aren’t important, but because we believe that ultimately they aren’t the point. Instead, we simply point to Jesus, encourage each other to put our trust in him, grow in our relationship with him, and try to put into practice the very things that he taught … things like loving our neighbors and our enemies … giving generously to those in need … forgiving others always … and welcoming the stranger — the one who may be different from us living in our very midst. 


As followers of Jesus, we believe that Jesus is the truth. But we also welcome truth wherever it can be found … whether it be in the Bible or in science books, from theologians or from doctors and scientists, from private seminaries to our public schools … any source where truth resides. As a church, we encourage our people to ask difficult questions … and embrace our doubts. We purposefully do not focus on unhelpful and divisive questions such as “who’s in and who’s out” … or “who’s saved and who’s not” … and we never look at the world as “us and them.” We simply point people to Jesus … and encourage them to follow him.


At Oakbrook we teach people to be good stewards of God’s creation, and we look for opportunities to protect it and restore it because God dearly loves what has been made and calls us to take care of it.


You will not hear us endorse politicians or promote political parties or platforms from our pulpit or in our communications … ever. And although we may love our nation, we pledge our allegiance first and foremost to One greater than any nation … Jesus. Our love for him and for other people has no borders and no walls. And so, we proactively build relationships with and serve alongside people of many different nations and different faith traditions to bring healing to our broken world. When we see injustice in our world, we lift our prophetic voices and speak truth to power. And we do not bless violence … not by our nation nor in our personal dealings. Instead, we embrace our calling to be peacemakers … bringing wholeness, reconciliation, and peace … true shalom to our world.


Oakbrook Church is a place where every single person is welcomed, accepted, and esteemed … as equals … each and every one a unique, beautiful individual created in God’s image … loved and forgiven and embraced by God. A place where you can know your leaders … not as anything more special or exalted or righteous than anyone else … but just as men and women who feel called and led to help all of us pursue Jesus together.


If these words appeal to you and give you hope, we warmly invite you to come and join us for a service and get to know us in person. Oakbrook Church may be just what you have been searching for.


Oakbrook Church is a non-denominational church in Reston, Virginia. We teach and believe in a loving God, who pursues everyone and desires all to experience his forgiveness. We are committed to following the teachings and life example of Jesus as he displayed compassion, justice, equality, care for the poor, and stewardship for all God's creation.

Tropical Leaves


Worship Service Sunday's 10:45 am

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