Oakbrook Church views our missions and outreach ministries to be an essential aspect of our calling to love God and love our neighbors, and to be good stewards of God’s creation. These ministries give opportunities to our people to put into practice the teachings of Jesus and grow as his disciples. Our hope is that through these outreaches the kingdom of God expands as the hungry are fed, creation is renewed and restored, the nations are discipled, and peace is pursued.
We hope you will come and join us on this journey.
food ministry
Oakbrook's Food Ministry has had the pleasure of serving thousands of families in the Northern Virginia area for over 10 years on a weekly basis. Our ministry is transitioning and will no longer be open for food pickup. We will be focusing on assisting families in immediate need and emergency cases only going forward.

Stewards of Creation
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”
Psalm 24:1 - NIV
Throughout Genesis God calls His creation ’good’, yet we see that our world is not perfect, not fully redeemed. When we love others as ourselves our actions move us toward redeeming the things that are broken for the sake of those who live in it. Oakbrook’s Stewards of Creation have planted trees on abandoned coal mines throughout Appalachia, helped to restore the oyster population in the Chesapeake, adopted a local stream where we learn about our watershed and how to keep it clean, spent time in nature observing birds and other wildlife while appreciating it, resolved to recycle and tried to reduce consumption. These efforts of redemption are small acts of loving God’s creation.
Our hearts are open to hearing what God has for us in the future. We hope you will join us in finding new ways to bless our neighbors through the care of each other and our shared environment.
Nature walks

Monitoring the health of sugarland run
Recycling tour