Depending on where we came from or how we grew up, we all approach faith with different perspectives and mindsets. At Oakbrook, we don't ascribe to or require anyone to adopt a particular view point. We teach and believe in a loving God, who pursues everyone and desires all to experience his forgiveness. This unwavering love is displayed through Jesus Christ -- not as a sacrificial payment, but rather as a sacrificial demonstration of God's forgiveness.
There is but one we look to and that is Jesus Christ. We teach his ways as he demonstrated compassion, justice, equality, care for the poor, and stewardship for all of God's creation. It is our hope and mission that these qualities are lived out by people in every community in order to bring God's kingdom to earth.
We hope you will come and join us on this journey.
Our Church Staff

John Moyle

Kathy Mallett

Wendy Schryber

Rick Schryber
Our Fearless
Leadership Team
The Oakbrook Leadership Team is comprised of members of the congregation and the pastoral staff. The team is responsible for discerning, communicating, and promoting the spiritual direction of the church, setting the annual budget, and overseeing all financial details of the church.
The members possess diverse personalities, skills, and passions, and collaborate in a spirit of unity.